Nieka & Ken Go to the Olympics!

Ladies Short Program Figure Skating

Logan, Utah
Freestyle Aerials
Medals Plaza
-->Figure Skating
Olympic Square
Temple Square
Star Gazing

Back to Hockey....

Dorothy Hamill previews the Ladies Short Program On our last evening in Salt Lake, we headed back downtown for the Ladies Short Program Figure Skating competition. As we waited to enter the Delta Center, we saw gold medalist Dorothy Hamill previewing the competition on the Jumbotron outside the building. Based on the landmarks behind her, we knew she had to be just about right next to us, but we never did figure out where she was announcing from.
The Delta Center
The Delta Center, home of the Utah Jazz, was definitely the snazziest of the venues. More important, because it had established food service facilities, it served a wide variety of greasy treats. The reason this was so exciting is that for days, we'd been subsisting on hot dogs alone. The SLOC must have wanted to minimize security risks associated with multiple food vendors and delivieres, so at the other venues, meals consisted of hot dogs, foot-long hot dogs, or chili-topped hot dogs. Vegetarians be damned.
Nieka and Ken at the Delta Center
Our seats were up in the nosebleed section, but we had a pretty good view of most of the ice. We were opposite the media booth and "Kiss and Cry." The funny thing about being up so high is that we both found ourselves watching the Jumbotron rather than the ice. We kept thinking, "We're sitting here to see live skating and all we can do is watch television?
Japan's Fumie Suguri
Japan's Fumie Suguri set the tone for the evening with a fantastic performance. If you look to the bottom left corner of the JumboTron, those two little white dots are the heads of Scott Hamilton and Sandra Bezic.
Sarah Hughes begins her quest for gold
Gold medalist Sarah Hughes had a rough time in the short program, bobbling a jump and nearly hitting the boards. We wish we could have seen her electrifying long program!
Michelle Kwan's 2002 Olympic debut
Michelle Kwan reacts to the crowd after a spectacular short program. The crowd's reaction to Michelle was defeaning. Following the short program, we grabbed a cab back to our b&b to sleep for a few hours before setting off to the airport.

On to the Olympic Square....