Nieka & Ken Go to the Olympics!

Freestyle Aerials Ski Jumping Qualifications

Logan, Utah
-->Freestyle Aerials
Medals Plaza
Ladies Figure Skating
Olympic Square
Temple Square
Star Gazing

Back to Logan, Utah....

The Aerials Venue at Deer Valley Our first full day dawned around 4 a.m. when we set off for Deer Valley, a beautiful resort town located just south of Park City. Deer Valley was the site of the Freestyle Aerials, Freestyle Moguls, and Slalom Alpine skiing events.
Ken and Nieka at the Deer Valley venue
Here we are in front of the bleacher seating for the men's and women's aerials. Getting up to the seating involved a long hike up a steep, snow-covered hill made mushy by temperatures in the 30s. Since we were expected to shiver all day, we weren't complaining, although we both regretted leaving our sunscreen back at the hotel.
An aerialist defies death
Neither of us knew much about freestyle aerials, so we were both utterly amazed when the men and women started their practice jumps. After hurtling off a small ramp, these skiers perform quad-twisting-triple-flipping-upside-down unbelievable acrobatics!
Another aerialist plays with gravity
After each aerialist jumped, volunteer course workers would smooth and refluff the snow in the landing area. They said the powder measured over three feet thick in order to provide enough cushioning. We were amused at the way the announcer would describe spectacular hard landings, when the skiers's heads would smack into the ground. "Well, she had a little slap-back there."
The scoreboard and crazy fans at Deer Valley
This photo shows the very bottom of the jump, where skiers would meet with media and wait for their scores. American fans went wild during the men's jumps, especially since all four of our guys qualified for the finals. Unfortunately, our women didn't fare as well. Still, it was exciting to see Swiss star Evelyne Leu set a world record high score for two jumps. The only low point of the day? Having to wait in line nearly an hour for a meal of hot dogs. Yes, for hot dogs. More on that later.

On to the Medals Plaza....