Nieka & Ken Go to the Olympics!

Logan, Utah

-->Logan, Utah
Freestyle Aerials
Medals Plaza
Ladies Figure Skating
Olympic Square
Temple Square
Star Gazing

Back to Introduction....

The breathtaking mountains around Logan, Utah We arrived into Salt Lake City at mid-day and started out on the first of many 90-mile drives north to Logan. When we booked our hotel (a mere 16 months before the Opening Ceremonies), Logan was the closest we could get. The scenery around Logan was absolutely breathtaking, but, unfortunately, we didn't see much of it, since it was always pre-dawn or nearly midnight when we drove through these mountains.
Logan Temple
Logan, Utah is a beautiful town surrounded by mountains. This grand church -- the Logan Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints -- was spectacular with the mountains as its backdrop. We wished we could have spent a bit more time exploring Logan. There's always next trip!

On to Freestyle Aerials Qualifications....