Nieka & Ken Go to the Olympics!

Star Gazing in Salt Lake City

Logan, Utah
Freestyle Aerials
Medals Plaza
Ladies Figure Skating
Olympic Square
Temple Square

Back to Temple Square....

Sheila Young-Ochowitz and her medals The Coca Cola pavillion hosted Olympic athletes each day for photo opportunites and autograph signing. Here's Nieka with Sheila Young-Ochowitz, a triple medalist in speedskating at the 1976 Winter Olympics in Innsbruck.
Sheila Young Ochowitz's medal haul
Sheila was gracious enough to show off her hardware. We really wanted to ask if we could hold them, but we didn't have the nerve.
Nieka with Elli Ochowitz
Here's Nieka with Elli Ochowitz, Sheila's daughter and a member of the 2002 U.S. Speedskating Team. Elli came in 22nd in the 500 m. race--quite an accomplishment for an 18-year old. While Sheila was clearly used to the fan circuit, Elli seemed a bit bewildered by all the attention. Nieka couldn't help coveting Elli's hip leather Roots jacket.
Nieka with Elli Ochowitz
We have no idea who these guys are. Ukranian athletes of some variety. They were hanging around the Hallmark pavillion looking for women to come ask to have their picture taken with them. So Nieka obliged.